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  2. Do not login via email link
  3. Do not disclose your activation code / ID / password to anyone
  4. Please check your qualification before submitting your application : License Application Criteria
  5. Complaints/inquiries, email: ledsys@mpob.gov.my
  6. Click here to Sign Up


  • Informed start 1 November 2016, MPOB no longer governs the deal with the Cooking Oil Price Stabilization Scheme (COSS). For any inquiries regarding COSS, you may inquire directly with the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK).
  • For export of CPO, PPO, SPO licensee needs also to apply Customs export license (AP) under Customs Act 1967, Customs (Prohibition of Exports) Order 2017. AP can be applied in writing, with a copy of valid MPOB licence to the nearest licensing and enforcement regional office or e-mail to: ledsys@mpob.gov.my
    Please fill in Estate Self Verification Checklist by Applicant to be uploaded in the system and submit together with the application for consideration and issuance of license. Click here New
  • Effective from Julai 2018, renewal of license is required to purchase SSM document through MyLesen MPOB system
  • Mill Efficiency Evaluation Form (MPOB Survey Form) for additional throughput of oil palm mill
  • APPLICATION ON ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY: To avoid multiple license renewal fees, licensee is advised not to apply additional activity within 3 months prior to the expiry date
  • The Licensee is required to renew the license within a period of not less than one month but not earlier than three months before the date of expiry of the license. Please refer to Panduan Permohonan Pembaharuan Lesen
  • Giving false information is an offense under Section 67 of Act 582. If convicted, a fine not exceeding RM100,000 or imprisonment not more than two years or both.
  • Please check your eligibility before submitting your application : Criteria on MPOB License Application. Application does not fulfill the criteria will not be processed.
  • Reminder: There is no charge for issuing and delivering for license other than license fee. If any individual asking for extra payment, please inform MPOB immediately.
  • Notification to all outstanding compound / CESS. Please settle your compound / CESS payment promptly before your license can be renewed. Any inquiry, please contact the nearest MPOB office.
  • Effective from Mei 2017, new license application is required to purchase SSM document through MyLesen MPOB system
  • Licensing Responsibilities: License Terms / General Conditions for All Licensees